Friday, September 5, 2014

Yarn Store Review; storage; and time to craft!

This summer I visited San Antonio, Texas and stumbled upon a wonderful yarn shop called Yarnivore.  I looked up local yarn shops and checked out their websites.  I narrowed it down and went with Yarnivore.  I have to make good use of my time because my family doesn't want to go yarn shopping for very long on vacation.  It was everything I hoped it would be.  It had a great selection of yarn, friendly and helpful staff, and plenty of comfy chairs to relax and check out the selection of books.  If I had more time I would have stayed all day and knit!   Check it out if you get a chance

When I got home from the trip I came up with an idea for my yarn storage.  I decided to get rid of my china and used my old cabinet.  This way I can see it and it doesn't get dusty or ruined by my kitty cats!  I don't miss the china at all:)
I have been trying to simplify and organize so I have more time & money to do the things I really want to do.  I would definitely like to have more time to knit, sew & read. Since work is full time and so is family -it can be difficult to find a balance. 

First I cut things out so I can have more money and less stress.  I got rid of was cable TV.  We got a ROKU and stream free TV and have a Netflix account.  Then got rid of my expensive fancy cell phone with Verizon.  OK I kept the fancy phone... just unlocked it and went with Net10 carrier.   Now my bill is 65% less monthly.  I have also been selling things around the house on ebay & garage sales.  This brings in money and gets rid of clutter at the same time.

Getting organized doesn't happen overnight but cutting the bills and the clutter has given me more money, time, and less stress!  That translates into more knitting, sewing, and reading:)


  1. I love that store!!!! I want one like that in Maine :-) And the cabinet is an outstanding idea and it looks awesome too!

    1. Thanks Kathy I wish there was a store like it here too. It was so nice. I have really enjoyed the cabinet. I can see my stash all at once:)

  2. I love your yarn storage idea! I just may do something like that when I move.
